Monday 2 November 2009


Looking back,at a certain point in my life,I said to myself,that if I had no partner by 30yrs old ,I WOULD TAKE MY OWN LIFE.Now ,at 48yrs old,there is only me ,never has been anyone,it seems irrelevant,I still have dreams,most are ghosts,in the past.My present plans are centred around setting up some kind of mutual support group,for people with similar problems to me,general mental health matters.I HAVE NOTHING SPECIFIC ,as yet ,no structure ,or plan,but the will is there.I have had little appropriate help at the necessary time,so I have to find help myself,no matter how ,or where.Any support, or knowledge from others ,is much appreciated, I believe that it can be done ,if enough people have the need for support ,company,and help,then I will do my best to come up with whatever is appropriate. I can only do my best , I KNOW NOTHING OF THE FORM THIS WILL TAKE,but will do all I can to help, in anyway possible.The heart ,will ,and spirit is in me ,but I Will need any help ,or thoughts,from more knowledgeable people,whereverI CAN GET IT.This is only an exploratory toe in the water ,to gauge peoples needs Any opinions will be gratefully received,I am willing to learn,listen,and take on board any formats, suggested.This is a very scary thing for me to embark on ,but it needs to be done,for my own welfare.I must stress,this is strictly voluntary,funds are not involved,so as not to corrupt the spirit of this venture.Right now ,there is only me ,and a need to keep well ,and help whoever I can.If anyone reads this ,and sees a real need, for a genuine supportive, friendly ,but confidential meeting of some kind,please contact me,via this website, or on facebook,DAVID SMITH, Profile.I will be only too happy to help,no-one will be judged,or dismissed,all are accepted and welcomed warmly.As this is only in embryo, here and now,Iknow I must be patient, but I know I CAN DO THIS.I will be willing to give of myself ,my own experience, and my real need to contribute to people who have been through similar situations[no support,or hidden agendas]Wish me well ,and I will endeavour to put myself 100%,mind,body, and spirit into this vocation,with the best possible intentions,PEACE IN YOUR HEARTS,Yours in sincerity,DAVE.S


  1. Hi David,
    As you know, we have discussed this possibility before. A 'grass roots' support group for folks who are in varying degrees of mental health concerns.
    I have run such a group in the past which I got to set up myself. When I come over and visit you on Wednesday; we can go over some preliminary strategies, if you wish.
    Kind wishes, Gary

  2. Dear Dave,
    If you can't get some support from anyone else, (which actually, I find a terrible situation- surely mental health services have a duty to support those who experience mental ill health?) then go find it for yourself. Sounds like a good idea to me, Dave, and perhaps soomething that you can use to distract your mind a bit.
    Good Luck in your enterprise and Very Best Wishes,
