Thursday 5 November 2009


This posting ,is a break from all the analysis, and introspection,it will focus on my passions.During the course of my life ,there have always been constants.The main one being music,the other motorcycles,equally loved ,they are in my heart ,and spirit .Music ,as I have eluded to earlier,is my rock ,faithfully picking me up ,when I fall,sometimes bringing forth the tears.It still excites me ,makes me smile ,and moves me in every day life, colouring the grey days,when they seem infinite,giving me hope.Even as a sickly child, isolated at home ,my radio ,was my constant companion,a discovery,an adventure of sound,and new emotions.It remains my faithful friend ,always with me ,in my hour of need.Motor cycles came later on ,gave me freedom,a spirit of adventure ,independence,and focus.When I am in that zone ,all else is forgottenmy wories dissapear,the only thing that matters ,is picking clean lines out on the tarmac,unwinding ,like a ribbon.The purity,and simplicity of this experience is Zen like ,nothin else invades your thoughts,pure bliss.As in music,I still am excited and enthralled by all things motorcycling, a therapy,and a self -esteem builder,simple things,not intellectual,or academic,mostly solitary,yet joyous.It is impossible to adequately do justice to this state of ONENESS,when out on the road.Both of these two pleasures bring me equal satisfaction,music ,memories ,emotions,motorcycles freedom,a sense of responsibility.I am fortunate to have these priceless tools ,both worth their weight in gold [and more]aiding my health ,in every way,they mean everything to me,LONG MAY THEY KEEP ON DOING SO.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dave,
    Wow! You sound a lot more positive now than in some of your previous posts. Keep on indulging in what makes you happy, after all there's nothing stopping you. And good luck with the mental health group you have planned.
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,
