Monday 23 November 2009


I find it hard to understand so called PROFESSIONALS,fail to see when someone is in distress,despite the fact that it is me ,who has put myself out ,in the torrential downpour,soaking me.No basic knowledge of what to look for ,when someone is starting to panic, instead ,all i got ,was blanked,do i turn invisible when i walk into a room?Funding ,in these charities ,takes precedence over people ,defeats the object,of their being there,someone is missing the point.It is wrong ,that charities have to take the reins in mental health instances,but money is their priority so how come paid staff dont see something that is so obvious,when i can?I go to show support ,and i get backs turned on me,it does annoy me ,when decent folk ,are not given basic acknowledgement of their prescence.The most common problems are surrounding confidence,and feeling valued,speaking personally.It makes me ill ,to think of all the effort I put in ,for no reward,why should I?I GAIN NOTHING,AND COME BACK HOME FEELING UTTERLY DEJECTED.It is heart-breaking, to think that valuable people,are not given the simplest of treatment,which any human being deserve.Am i too sensitive,well sue me for it,it is a gift ,and an important part of me,it stays.There ,i have said my piece,Idoubt anything will change,the wrong people are running these facilities,as a result ,many people are left out in the cold.And no ,I have not given up on forming a self-help group/social, for people who feel the need for support ,company,or friendship.This just makes me more sure it is needed,for the good of others ,not cash ,or power.I will just end ,by saying that,there are good hearted people out there,make sure that these people KNOW,their true worth,they are too rare ,so cherish them ,as I do.PEACE


  1. Hi David,
    As you know, I know of the situation to which you refer. It is indeed unfortunate that you keep feeling alienated from people, who you would reckon, should have been there for you. To make you feel like you were a part of something, rather than ignored.
    I understand you are disheartened. And you know, that if I had been there, I would have recognised you being of to one side and would have talked to you. That's what I do. It is sad nobody thought to acknowledge you. Just stay determined and if you are in a similar situation again; may I suggest you attempt to do what I would have done, and challenge your anxiety. Try to mingle and get involved.
    Now, I hope you will continue to pursue a 'grass roots', positive interaction group for folks with various concerns. As we both know, there are certain mental health charities who are more interested in funding than genuine empathy. In fact, one particular so-called mental health charity in Stoke actually reinforced both our mental health concerns. That is a disgrace!
    You have my support and backing, Dave. Please take comfort in this. Embrace the positives in your life and distance yourself from the negative environment.
    With empathy, Gary.

  2. A smile of encouragement at the right moment may act like sunlight on a closed flower; it may be the turning point for a struggling life. (Anonymous) :)
    I so wish I could give you a smile. Peace and love, Dixie
