Saturday 30 May 2009

give it time

an obvious thing to most of us ,we accept that ,not everything is instant.not so easy for us who "manage"mental health issues,thet ,at the time ,can be so despairing, and deeply unbearable,it is the last thing we want to hear,so how do us "ill" people push through these impossible times?in my case ,i take myself out of the situation[my room,outside,distract myself] in others i simply let the experience take its course,this may sound hard ,to some,and it seems hopeless at the time.[i dont underestimate the pain many go through ,when this ,simply isnt an option]and i bleed emotions,even i dont know how to explain,or fight,but i do get through them.i suppose thatmy past experiences ,in desperate situations,when i had no hope left ,something in me pulled me out ,i am still here!i look back ,and think to myself,i got through that,so i WILL get through this time too "this time too shall pass"its a question of faith,self belief, every time you win through [it is a victory]yo get a little stronger , a little wiser,and your faith in yourself is our journey,only we know what works for us ,i will not preach any method,but i do know,when we are together in this conflict, it makes us all stronger.the word is empathy,i isolated myself ,for long periods of time,believeing noone could help,having finally got up ,and,found real people,withserious problems,who are sill willing to give their invaluable wisdom, and time[and,sometimes,all it rakes is someone to listen]thi was all it took to make me realise ,that ,if i can make a difference,everyone can.its taken me so long to get here ,i cant stop now.i do hope some of this makes sense to someone,i know, it is a part of my journey,i could not have envisaged writing about[least of all publicly]this brings me back to giving it time ,without all these painfu l experiences,i would not have reached thi point,and ,believe it or not ,i actually like who i am now,all that time has given me acceptance,and faith,i need to be myself, and ,never stop happy ,you really do have a right to.


  1. Wow Dave: 'giving it time' is always tough for me. My physical issues do battle and I have no clue what triggers them. I find myself asking: who am I fighting... others or me? Recently I suspect that past psych-drugs did a number on my neurology. Not that I feel I need or want an excuse... I'd just like to thank someone for being an idiot while treating me as a patient, you know? No thanks to the med profession, I've had to struggle to get here too. SO I can certainly apreciate what you're saying.
    Your article gives me hope that things do get better. In peace, dixie

  2. Hi David,
    Through the power of empathy, you will continue to grow in strength. By being transparent and trying to make sense of it all; you will see that the positive focus you are trying to maintain, becomes that little bit clearer.
    Quite right David, be yourself. We, as you state, have the right to be happy.
    Stay strong David. Kind regards, Gary

  3. Thank you Dixie,your story is a triumph of spirit over incompetence, you are some lady. Sounds to me you have determination to spare.Your comments are very flattering, and gracious,heres to your good health.Isend you tranquility, and peace in your heart. Dave.s
