Thursday 14 May 2009

there must be some misunderstanding

someone once explained to me,that to get the negative thoughts out of your mind ,onto paper,would help with perspective? personally i would say it depends on your frame of mind WHEN you do so .thats just a brief example of how negative my feelings are [closing doors again]i do know ,that i need to stop expecting others to behave the way i expect.[thats always a recipe for misunderstanding<]why doesnt everyone else see the pain they cause people,or how deeply they hurt me,and how desperately i need to express my affecttion,gratitude[without reading something else?]why dont they appreciate the same things i do?and why are they so ambivalent[or just plain cold] to my warmth,sensitivity and deeply caring nature?why should they be?they cannot read my mind ,they too have worries, families, fears,hopes and fears.i am really trying to see the good in people,they dont make it easy,but ,i know ,thatneither do i! in my isolation ,perspective is difficult to find,remember ,others have their preoccupations ,their pain.the real point here,is i have to look outside of myself to truly see whats actually inside. does that make sense? empathy is a powerful thing,its just another thing ,i will carry on my journey.


  1. Dear David,
    You do not know how happy I am for you. Finally a place where I can hear you without interruption or time constraints. Finally your words reach out and touch the air...into the moment; into our hearts to begin healing.
    You have a wonderful blogsite. I'll be back to hear more of your 'journeys in an alien world'.
    "Live long and prosper,"

  2. thanks dixie,you are a real star,i feel quite a responsibility to the people who have supported me [in heart andword] to do them justice, and justfy their faith in me ,i am no longeran enigma[i can baffle people everywhere!i am no longer just a spectator[whew!]

  3. Hi Dave,
    I think this is a question of moral standards. I know you have integrity and decency. When you see other folks not displaying such attributes, I know you get frustrated and disillusioned.
    Just be the best that you can be. Understand that there are folks out there who do have similar ideals to you and without hidden agendas.
    Yes indeed, empathy is powerful. Your journey towards a better life continues....

  4. Well hello David, nice to have finally find you, hugs lv n peace to a dear friend

  5. If someone can at least try and walk in my shoes then they are showing me empathy, my shoes would be hard to fit you but you'd still try, you show me empathy every time we chat, thanks for your friendship :-)

  6. thank you gary,notleast for believeing in me ,accepting me for have shown me patience is an important quality[still working oon it]and empathy,unconditional, it is my belief what i have recently been through has helped me become a better ,wiser[i hope] person.i owe you one ,gary, for the next3000yrs!

  7. welcome rusty,nice to be in cyber space with you![its only taken me two yrs.dont start me on shoes[what size are you?trusting people is hard,but i can be myself when i talk,your honesty and strength is always aninspiration.your friendship is a true blessing,i wish you healing , and profound and sincere happiness.i am so proud to know you .

  8. Dear David, i am a size 5, you'd really have a struggle, lol. Trust is a big issue of mine too, i am learning who i can trust and i trust you! Its only taken me 34 years but eh ho, better late than never, i think i'm finally learning how to turn a negative into a positive, i am so proud to have you as a friend too :-)

  9. i am glad you can laugh, rusty, i was looking forward to trying on a pair of orange slingbacks! my trust has been permanently damaged by a certain "organisation"to hear you say you trust me ,is a special,and healing thing for me, to have your trust ,is a precious are wise beyond your years! i learn so much from you .you are right ,something good ,has come out of the betrayal,at least i met you!

  10. laughter is a good tonic, at the beginning of my recovery all i wanted was to laff again, feel that laughter come from within, and it did, eventually you helped me laugh again :-)

  11. have you ever noticed how laughter is infectious? i have laughed ,and cried,for you rusty,its all part of the healing process.i make it my gaol ,to try to make you laugh,at least once ,every time i see close do i get?with a face like mine ,it must be close !say hello to gasbag for me ....................
