Friday 22 May 2009


after a particularly low ,isolated, christmas,it seemed like my world was falling apart.all my efforts to progress had been dashed[deliberately]by people ,who i thought had some respect for me ,an organisation i once believed my saviour, had feet of clay,fickle ,and judgemental[despite claiming theopposite].to cap it all ,in february,my beautiful gentle, friend,and pet , patch,who i adored ,and still do,had to be laid to rest[it broke me in two.]what next?despite all my desspair, a few very special people,remained,they were my rock at this time.word cannot express my gratitude for their undaunting support.soon after,my mother and i both decided we needed another prescence in the house.with heavy hearts,we set off to the city dogs home,not knowing what the future would deal us .i slowly walked along the rows of yapping ,and deepbarks, wanting to take them all with us! sitting quietly in a pen,was a pair of beautiful,gentle almond eyes,curious ,yet placid,i was in love ,my mind was set!after some discussion,and a few days wait,we had a young female alsation,SHEBA,som e things are meant to happen,she is now ,the light of my life,loyal,funny,gentle[and very noisy,i believe the silence in the pens was a ruse].we bonded in the car on our way home,she is now my constant companion,and a real joy to us all.i still think of patch,he will always be closeto my heart,his gentle nature blessed us all.i would not have chosen to lose him,but these changes were meant to happen,sometimes acceptance is our only choice.time heal ,but it does not mean we forget.some changes arent so ba d after all.


  1. Dear Dave, one Christmas I wanted a gift I could not have. I became hurt and angry. After some time I realised how futile it was, having feelings that kept me suffering. I needed to let go of my feelings. The ones toward the lost gift and the ones I felt towards myself.
    It’s the same, just for me, regarding people, places, and things that I cannot control. I get hurt or angry, just like you. But I am learning to ask myself a very important question. How do I want to spend my time?
    There are 365 days in a year. I pick a couple of hours from one day and celebrate the joy that my pet birds brought me for years. I purchase a single small cake, light a candle; sing all of our favorite ‘stage-tunes.’ It’s a hoot. It’s a nice way to remember their service.
    I do apologise for not being a better friend and checking on you. I am so glad you have a blog; a wonderful change! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Dear David,
    First of all, that terrible mental health Organisation that you thought was a lifeline has let you down, big time. When you deserved compassion and empathy, you received indifference and a total lack of support.
    The good thing out of all of that, is you have not given up, you have not retreated under your duvet. For your self-respect, if anything has grown through this outrageous saga.
    I know the loss of your beloved dog 'Patch' caused you and your good mother considerable anguish. I also know that a pet, a cherished family member can be so therapeutic to those of us who are lonely, who are isolated, who struggle with mental health issues. Sheba, can now give you comfort in this world that has been so unjust to you.
    As one life passes from this world, a new life becomes a vital part of our lives. I know that Patch will always be loved by you. Now you pass on your love and your kindness to Sheba.
    A change, a fresh start, can be just what we need to see that positive focus.
    Keep moving forward David, you are doing very well. Kind wishes, Gary.

  3. bless you ,gary,i am fully aware of the duplicity of these people,they are deluded ,if they believe i have been fooled by them.things will change ,i truly believe so,your great heart,and strength of spirit has been of great comfort to me ,words cannot express my gratitude,this has ben a catalyst to my carrying on my quest to help others of a kindred spirit.peace, brother.dave.s
