Wednesday 13 May 2009

trouble in sight

how do you solve the unsolvable?what you dont know cant hurt you /wanna bet?i am reffering to my recruitment to a "mental health" organisation,with the best of intentions, and the worst of results .no matter how much you believe people ,they are still,just people,[same needs ,faults ,weaknesses]i have had my faith, and trust ,severely tested ,to my limited strenghts .i now know ,despite my difficult past, i am still a worthwhile, valuable ,creative person.with much to give ,i just need to be allowed to give it? the furure ,to me[at this point] is bleak,but i will continue to search for my is ,after all ,my perceptions, that shape my, actions ,words,interactions.the thing i crave the most,is the thing i avoid,company,understanding,empathy.its not new,most folk will be familiar with this scenario.easieer said than done ,it makes me physically sick with worry.[now]i have always felt seperated from others,it seems i was right .


  1. David,
    I think I know what you mean about always feeling separated from others. I am still so much the loner; I have one very, very personal buddy but she is not always around.
    The funny or strange thing now, is that I'm finally feeling okay with me. It's like the unviverse 'knew' I'd feel cramped by people, so it's finally teaching me how to be alone and have joy!
    Wishing you joy,

  2. it is a joy to share thoughts with you,i believe you are coming to accept yourself[i wish you were here ,you deserve a big cyber hug!the world had better watch out now ,you go girl!

  3. Hi David,
    I am, ofcourse, very aware of what you refer too. I, like you, have been very poorly treated by an alleged empathetic mental health charity.
    We have many similarities in our lives. It is how we approach these negative obstacles. I am a loner, a recluse. Yet, despite this, I am comfortable with who I am. When negative situations occur, I work through them and realise that I am better than the negativity that could overwhelm me.
    I have been here to support you. Dixie has displayed empathetic, caring support for you. Celebrate the good stuff and distance yourself from the negative environment. Like Dixie, like me, you also are better than that.
    Turn negatives into positives. Never give up.
    Warm wishes, Gary.

  4. thanks [once again]for your deeply moving support,it is very true ,that in tough times,you ,and dixie,and a few special people[i hopethey know who they are ]have given me your total faith, empathy, and invaluable wisdom.i got lucky when we got shoved unceremoneously in a "meeting",and just got on with it.that day was to prove a catalyst,which has led to my own blog!thank you gary ,you are a true friend.
