Sunday 17 May 2009

dont give up.

when the shafts of sunlight cross your room ,through the curtains,in the morning,what are your first thoughts?what a beautiful day ,an opportunity to chalenge yourself, or "why me ",how do i cope ,today?positive thought ,is an art in itself,one i struggle with,sometimes try to avoid totally.its a conflict i know too well[as do most of us ]patience ,i thought i had ,was just apathy,but i now know ,i can use and grow ,with real patience,comes wisdom and enlightenment[worth waiting for ?]i suppose ,what i am saying ,is,dont give up ,if things dont work out initially,be resilient,have faith in yourself.this all ,in theory ,is a basic technique.who lives theoretical lives ?ever imagined a future event, as you see it ,and ,the real thing is a total surprise,not at all as you saw it ?i do it all the time ,one of the real reasons i started to take it as it comes,dont forecast!we al posess the strength to change how we think,it takes belief/faith ,and support.i spent 10yrs indoors ,isolating myself,because of abuse from people i believed friends,stagnant,i did not believe i could change my own circumstances ,how?the longer it went on ,the more i saw no other option,the world around me was shrinking.sometime later,[i dont know how,i started to mix,with others ,who had similar issues,progressed to do a basic college course,the upshot of which was i began to open doors,looknig forward ,not ,here i am ,back where i started all those years ago.the only difference being,now i have some sense of my self worth,of my own value to others,and of my own capabilities,it is always difficult ,to take rejection,now i know,its not all about me ,its someone elses decision.i am still me !your true worth ,comes from within,not externally. its all in your own hands ,people, never allow others to stifle your true selves,spread your wings and celebrate being you!..........................and dont give up.


  1. Hi Dave.S
    I know what I'd like to share but it's too personal. So let me say simply that I love this post and will try to remember everything you've said. In peace, Dixie

  2. hello dixie,it is your right ,to share whatever you are comfortable with.thank you for your encouragement,i sincerely hope ,your journey is enhanced in some way by my incoherent attempts at self yourself,you are already good enough.

  3. Hi Dave,
    As you know, I have an expression that I use. I like to think of 'living life with positive anticipation rather than negative speculation'. We know, despite any surrounding adversity, we have choices.
    Adversity, battling against the odds, doing it on my own, has, in actuality, made me stronger, more resilient, more determined.
    You've come a long way David and for that you should be very proud. Know that you will gain more strength as you continue to interact with like-minded individuals.
    Continue to be true to yourself and with determination you will see that celebrating your uniqueness will make you grow ever stronger. Your self-respect will never again be diminished by those who, in the past, may have considered you an easy target. A target to take their minds off their own insecurities.
    Keep flying, David, enjoy the view.

  4. David, I've heard so many people say they've isolated themselves due to fear and anticipation of what others might do or say. Usually, they say a period of isolation gives them time to go through their negative thoughts and inner fears. Often, it lets them sort through events and occurrences...leaving them with a clearer image of what is truly important to them.

    Your words seem to say that you're accepting yourself for what and who you are. That's great!(smile) I certainly wish you the best of luck. May you continue to feel good about yourself. Don't worry about what others think of you...if you feel right about yourself, that's the priority.

    Stay strong,

  5. how nice of you ,mattie ,to contribute to the comments on my is true ,to say ,i am beginning to accept myself ,and my true value[thanks to special people like your good self,in no small part,]i suspwct ,that i always knew ,given the right circumstances, this happened.its still a conflict,i still struggle,there is much ignorance to combat.but i am ready ,and ,thank you mattie,i will stay strong!i wish you true peace of mind , and serenity.blessings,dave.s
