Saturday 16 May 2009

trick of the tail

so many people are willing to use your good nature,to ,basically ,treat you as a doormat.this leads to cynicism and mistrust,bringing about a cycle of negative behaviour.dishonesty is easy, its having the courage to tell the truth[even when youdo not gain from it yourself]thats tricky.the real matter here ,is ,being responsible for your own actions and feelingsTAKING that responsibility, it belongs to you.!dont let others bitterness and betrayal,prevent you from being the decent ,open,[which is a real strength]wonderful person you are meant ,to be.that is the only real loss here,transparency,empathy and heart,are worth more than any short term [fake]gain these, cold,empty ,people will ever see.there is no trick,no short term answer to how to deal with others beligerence, and hostility,all anyone can do ,is,be strong ,trust your own judgement,and remember,everyone gets it wrong!justice ,is a personal thing,to me ,its about my inner self, intuition,spirit,somuch deeper than just winning pointless ,battles which fullfil no purpose,who wins ? your self respect ,and esteem is too valuable to risk for pettiness.if all this seems a tad serious,i do have a lighter side,this is me working through what matters to me, believe me , i am trying to keep on top of all this "land of confusion"there is no humourous ,whimsical piece to capture your attention,i crave no acceptance ,and i know i will never be popular,there is no end to this tail.


  1. Hi Dave,
    You and I have had a few conversations about this very topic. Just as you, I reached a point that I tired of people who took advantage of my good nature. They did not care about me, only what purpose I could serve for them.
    Sadly, there was a time, that I was so desperate for company, that I gave these people permission to devalue and disrespect me.
    Well, those days are over. I distance myself from a negative environment. The consequences of this is that I spend a lot of my time in total isolation. However, I am at peace with myself. That is a powerful sensation.
    David, continue forward in being involved with folks who are good for your mental health. In turn, you will be good for theirs. I am not popular, but then again, I'm a big fan of myself.
    Keep smiling and stay positive. Warm wishes, Gary.

  2. Dear David,

    Your words speak volumes to me. I am, indeed, moved by the depth of your emotions, and I wish my words could bring some sort of comfort to you. First, I'd like to say you are making great strides to 'regain' your sense of 'self' just by writing about your pain. Get it out there...examine it in every possible way. Then, you can find ways to heal and mend yourself. Sounds daunting, doesn't it? You've taken the first step...

    Popularity is only a perception...often a false one. Being popular is not important, but having good friends to support you and listen to your thoughts is of utmost importance.

    I think our friend, Gary, can help you considerably. He has faced so much and has learned to cope with his own issues through positive thought. I know he'd be more than happy to help many others here.

    You keep on writing, and there will be those that listen with an open heart and mind.

    Be well and stay strong,

  3. klahanie,i disagree,all i speak to cannot praise you enough[you are the daddy]i know you will always be revered, by those in the know ]i too realise ,that i would rather be alone than be with these unscrupulous people.i am learning to like myself[i know myself best]to be at peace with myself,is my ultimate gaol.that you have achieved this is rare indeed.i wish you continued contentment,with your healing.

  4. Mattie,welcome,your prescence here ,is a very pleasant surprise.i am relieved to know someone understands my tormented attmpts to express myself!i am a good friend of garys ,and is a constant source of support ,wisdom,and understanding[indeed ,were it not for gary, and dc relief ,i would never have dared write a blog at all]your empathy ,and good heart is always welcome ,mattie,bless you,i send you healing thoughts,and much happiness.

  5. Hi dave.s,
    This is an incredible post; you've said what I'd like to say about 'justice'.
    The fall from 'popularity' is more cruel than being the every-day person.
    I needed to read this today. Thank you.
    Kind wishes, Dixie

  6. cheers dixie,yes ,justice ,is in short supply,be content with your own retribution[healing,and loving yourself]i was never popular ,so it does not affect me["real friends",turning otu to be complete charlatans,is a more difficult hurdle to cross]your prescence here ,is an honour to me ,youre still a star!
