Monday 1 June 2009


ever wondered why people pass you by,as a ghost?me tooi have watched others grow ,establish there own identity,friends,lifestyle,etc,while life passes me by.nobody seems to take me seriously,i feel under utilised ,i know i am capable of greater things,no one else seem to believe this.throughout my formative years, i withered in the shadow of my then, friend ,who excelled at everything i just stood in the wings,thinking "i know i could do that" never entire life ,it seems i have been overlooked, by "better" people, me in their how do i develop my own self -belief,and from where,seriously,i dont know?there has always been a part of me that knew i had ability,a voice,something to contribute to others.this happened last year ,i was allowed to challenge my social phobia,and began to trust some .of course ,when it was all wiped out ,my trust abused,my contributions deemed useless[i know not why]i was left bereft of all direction,i am still struggling to come to terms with this dilemma.yet ,this inner voice remains,i am a worthwhile person,i can help others with similar issues,i just feel it .........and i will not give up ,until i am recognised as a person in my own right.i do value myself,i feel it ,i sense it ,i believe it ,let no one deny me my rightful place ,i knw i can do it.the shadows cast, are lowering,is that the sun ican feel on my brow?


  1. Hi Dave.s: What a wonderful, powerful blog. Shows you're moving on, growing, and wanting to share that true spark you feel.
    I could say that I feel sorry for the group that lost you... but I won't say that because: now you're free and others (like me) wait to meet a kind soul who's preparing himself!
    Social phobias? Sometimes I think it must have been a gift that has kept me from the pollution I've seen in the past year. People like us want to give our best. That's not exactly what I hear on the TV lately; they're hunting for 'idols'.
    Hang on. Belief systems are a very personal exploration. You might want to devote some research time to assist you with, what you've forgotten, that you accept.
    Soon enough utilisation will come. Know yourself. Then share that will others, so they won't feel alone. Love you mate. Stay positive, smile. dixie

  2. Dear Dave,
    Forgive my sounding so, "know-it-all," as I only know what's good for me (sometimes). I have not walked in your shoes. Take care.

  3. Hello David,
    Now is the time to remove yourself from the shadows. Your undaunted self-belief and determination will guide you to achieving your positive goals.
    When you say that nobody takes you seriously, well, you know that is not true. I have and others have, encouraged you and believed in you.
    Take comfort and strength that there are people who will support you. In turn your self-belief will grow. Enjoy the warmth of the sun on your brow. Warm wishes, Gary:-)

  4. Thank you,Dixie,wow,thats quite a compliment,thank you so much,you have shown me compassion and patience in the past.This has helped me build myself stronger ,from the heart,all part of my recovery, and the realisation that it was not me at fault these people are history.I wish you a positive year ,and serenity on your way.

  5. HeyGary,i have always valued your thoughts stepping out into the light,can be daunting, but i need to do what is right for me. It may not seem so ,but i do deeply appreciate the very real support, from the [very few ]genuine people in my life.Their must be something driving me to keep on moving forward,and the sun will shine on us all..Sincere thanks.Dave.s
