Monday 15 June 2009

the struggle[happy days]

Iseem to be posting an awful lot of dark,negative posts ,recently,just a reflection of my state of mind,or my personal truth?the two are interconnecting ,one affects the other[not by choice]But the choice is still there,it is mine to make.Just because it gets difficult,doesnt mean i cave in,and let the negativity control me.I STILL HAVE MY MUSIC.Priceless to me ,lifting my spirits,making me laugh ,cry ,smile inside.i truly believe ,a world without music,is a dead one.its always in my heart,my mind,coursing through my veins.SO POWERFUL,subtle,poignant,private ,and my one saving grace throughout my life.It will always be in my heart.Its still astruggle, when i lose sight of what really matters,people,interests,most of all ,passions.just writing this ,has lifted me,i feel blessed ,to have such a resource,and it will always be here.think of what you have ,in your life ,that you are passionate about ,and cherish it,nurture it,hold it close to your heart,it is part of you that is all the people who have helped me get this far,i salute ,and respect you deeply,you are my lifeblood,my love is with you ,i will always be here for you,i believe my transparency is my strength.[See,its not all doom and gloom,eh?]i hope this goes some way to redressing the balance,


  1. you play the guitar well!!!!! :-) i'll have to bring my autograph book to you soon

  2. Yes indeed David, you still have the music. Embrace the harmony of a positive tune that plays in your soul. Stay strong and focus on the positive road.
    In peace and empathy, Gary.

  3. Thank you Rusty,all in fun,i fear your auto graph book is not in any danger!Your comments are most welcome here, bless you for your support.

  4. Dear Gary,your words are msic to my ears,there is always music to be heard[down to the beating of ones heart]Awelcome backing track to my focus , and continued recovery.Peace.Dave.s
