Thursday 4 June 2009


as i walk along a street[could be any street],i hear someone utter "freak",did i mishear,or was it true?this happens too often to me .i attribute this ,to ignorance/stupidity.dont these "people" give a thought as to the consequences of their comment ?do any of them REALLY know me?of course they do not, its all about perceptions,the media ,has a lot to answer for.anyone on t.v, with mental health problems,is seen as a joke,or a maniac[black and white]like any condition there are levels of any illness,we are no different.some of us choose to plough a lone furrow[not follow the mindless masses]does this make them freaks?its a question of understanding,knowledge,education.people fear what they do not understand,reactions can be polarised from agression ,to abject terror,and then there are those who just follow their particular peer group [safety in numbers]people with such problems are often isolated, making them ,easy targets.these abusive people, do not realise,that they are just as susceptible to similar problems as anyone.[the shoes on the other foot ,then!]i know ,that genuine people,with intelligence, and compassion,do not behave like this,it is simply not done.i feel fortunate ,in that i have experiences which have enabled me to disregard such remarks.they used to cut me to the quick,now ,i realise these folk, do not understand me and have not lived with constant torment, so cant possibly know how it feels to be put in my helps me look at things in a calmer,less personal way.i also realise,that there are certain people ,i need to avoid. all this ,,helped me to becom more sensitive to others needs,and taught me to think,before i speak,and to try not to make assumptions about others ,based solely on appearance.[dont judge a book by its cover]so something positive has come from others ignorance.i am now ,more aware of how many people have mental health issues,and to try to take this into account when they behave differently ,or summary ,when you see someone ,who looks ,or is behaving oddly,dont judge them,imagine yourself in their position


  1. Thank you David for the courage to say what I have not confronted yet. I am still walking slowly on. peace, dc

  2. Hi David,
    Yes the media has a lot to answer for. Awareness and removing the myths behind mental illness is the resposibility of all of us.
    I know you doing your best to help reduce the stigma. Those who would ridicule need to be enlightened. Ignorance and assumption is dangerous. With your blog, which is in theme with my latest blog, hopefully, we can begin to make a difference.
    Thanks for sharing this, David. Thank you for your kind comments on my blogs. Greatly appreciated.
    Keep going and be strong. Kind regards, Gary:-)

  3. Thanks Dixie,you have been an inspiration to me ,that is the reason this blog exists now.Ibless you for taking the time to comment ,and read this post.

  4. Unfortunately, there are always those ,who will exploit the bigotted media coverage,for their own means .We both know the truth about the people whopay the price for this cowardice.Education will go a long way to redress the balance,but it will always be individual choice ,based on realistic views of people with many of these problems.yours in peace.Dave.s
