Saturday 20 June 2009


One of the biggest hurdles I have had to traverse"in recovery",is trusting people.So many times ,in the past,others have betrayed me ,in the cruelest ways .Abusing my friendship, my openess, my values/beliefs.When this happens consistently,it begins to turn one cynical.To a large degree ,i still am.Iam very sensitive about my lack of relationships,some find this amusing,were roles reversed they would see things very differently.I am aware of my appearance,to be ridiculed ,constantly,is ,i find a cop out ,for the lazy minded bigot.Iknow there are others who suffer the same treatment,you are not alone.All these factors contributed to my self -imposed isolation,Iknow ,in my heart ,that i am a considerate,warm-hearted ,decent person.These cheap jibes,are for the weak, to falsely boost their self-esteem,they are the ones who have the REAL problems.This has led to me being "seperated"[or thats the way it makes me feel]from others , It puts barriers ,between myself and others,preventing me from forming any close relationships[the very thing Idesperately need]As I WRITE ,THIS ,Ican feel myself shaking with anxiety/distress,Iam trying to be transparent,at what cost/ridicule,apathy?This is my personal view ,but to me ,my reality.That It can change Is a fact ,Ifi it will,remains to be seen.The journey continues,amI the Alien,or are they?


  1. Hello David,

    It has been a while since I visited your blog. Not of my own choosing...I've been on my own journey trying to heal my health problems. I've not reached my destination yet, but I'm trying!(smile)

    'Recovery' is not always easy...whether physical or mental. It is there waiting, though, if you will search within yourself to find it. Reinventing your thoughts about your inner self is important. You must reassure and reaffirm your own worth to yourself. You are the key to your recovery.

    Accept yourself as you are, and work to change the things you do not like...but don't change the characteristics that make you a unique individual. Put into words the things you love in life. You already know the things you do not like. Do you love the night? the morning? the trees? the park? rain?...Write about anything that brings you pleasure.

    I hope you share your thoughts on this. I'll be back to visit you soon...I'd love to hear those things you find inspiring.(smile)

    Be well,

  2. Hi David,
    Firstly, I just want to note what a very nice comment our good friend 'Mattie' has left you. Be inspired by her. She is a remarkable lady.
    David, trust is very much a key to our progress. I know how disillusioned you have been by what has transpired in your life. Lately, your trust has been well and truly tested by people you and I assumed must be trustworthy because of the cause they were involved in. We both learned otherwise.
    So please ignore those who would pass unfair judgement on you. You must embrace the genuine folks who see David, the decent, caring guy.
    Despite the trust issues that left you 'shell-shocked' recently; You have also witnessed that there are indeed people who will support you. Now it is up to you to decide if those who have displayed kindness and caring to you, can be trusted.
    Peace and empathy, Gary.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi,Mattie,thank you so much ,for your contribution,it is most welcome,and timely.Ican see your point of view,Iwill be trying to turn all this darkness around .Ido have a lighter side,perhaps it is time to revisit these pleasures.I am delighted that you have returned ,to comment,you are always welcome.Dave.s

  5. thanks Gary,your words ring true,there is always a flip side, to all this negative thinking,i do have things that i am grateful for[your support]and the resources i am in the process of developing.The ignorant ,can do what they will,it does not diminish my momentum, i can , and will be the est person i can.
