Tuesday 22 September 2009


Pain,as I see it has two basic forms:mental,and physical,mental, being mental ill health[depression,anxiety,paranoia.Physical being caused by all manner of things,accidents,illness,arthritis,etc.My current problem,is the latter,mental distress,the real difficulty with this,is that a pain killer will not work,nor does the despair relent in a short time.I am at a loss as to how to diminish my current issues ,isolation ,loss,and,a feeling of rejection[which I am only too used to],it is gathering momentum,and I am unable to stop it.This is compounded by arthritis,and spinal problems,which seem to set one another off.My constant state of introspection,does not help,as I know I am self-destructive.Trying to be rational,without an impartial view from someone ,is an impossibility,so I must put up with this torment,until ,I can end it,have no idea how,but I will not be able to stand it much longer.I simply see it all fading away.Do people not see how hard I am trying ,just to survive?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excuse my ealier deletion. I will try not to post until I'm 100% sure of what I want to say.
    Be well David.
    In respect and peace, Dixie

  3. Dear Dave,
    "isolation, loss and a feeling of rejection"- as you know I have had my own mental health problems and if it makes you feel at all better, I would say that these feelings you have are common amongst many of us. I know I have felt this way many times in the past. I would just say then, that these feelings can get better with time. As you say there is no magic pill, but if my experience is anything to go by, you will ultimately get better and begin to see a brighter day. I can only hope that you have at least some support from mental health services at this difficult time. As you say, perhaps someone with an objective point of view can help.
    Seeking some help, as I am often reminded, is not a sign of weakness or of any impairment, but rather just a sensible avenue to take when you obviously feel so unwell. I, for one, seem to have a whole back-up team for if and when I begin to feel ill. This should be the same for you and if not, I would certainly begin to ask why. I offer this advice, Dave, because I genuinely feel for your situation as you describe it in your blog. I hope not to be patronising and only hope you will begin to get better soon.
    Yours with Concern and Very Best Wishes,

  4. Hello David,I appreciate your support,Ihave no mental health TEAM at all ,no support worker,and no other resources.The only thing I do have ,is my determination to find some kind of voluntary work[to no avail]Thank youfor your empathy ,and I vow to make things work.PEACE
