Saturday 5 September 2009


IF i know one thing ,its management of problems, is the realistic to recovery.NO easy two week plan ,or one drug.No "happy pill",which is why we have to find our own way to cope ,in day to day life.There will always be peaks and troughs,no-ones life ,is all positive,and happy,you are bound to have tough times.I am still having difficulty accepting the despair that is depression.There is a saying ,this time ,too will pass,nothing is permanent.However unbearable you feel things are ,you can come through them.Now ,is not a good time ,for me,so I will find it hard to see any good coming from my illness.I have been here before ,and will get through it ,doesnt feel like it ,didnt before,it will happen.The trouble ,is ,no two times are the same ,different problems,different solutions,feels like someone is testing us,forever changing our perceptions.And ..........breathe.These negative feelings can spiral,I just seem to allow this to happen,perspective is a good way of stopping this[talking to others,refocussing]if you can.Using hobbies,activities,reding ,music,art ,having friends who understand.Its about resources,building positve means ,to cope with the down times,still working on them,still hard,there are setbacks[now,for instance]just makes the good times more sweet.Living in the NOW,is never going to be all sunshine,nothing is.When the sun does come out,it is all the brighter,colours are brighter,life is good.Treasure these times,they are sometimes rare,but always better for it.


  1. Hi Dave,
    Indeed, finding resources that are conducive to our mental health well being, are very much the key. Keeping active, pursuing positive hobbies and interests, can help redress what can become an overwhelming negative imbalance.
    Focus on the good that is all around. Like you state, 'treasure these times'. You might discover even more treasure.
    In kindness, Gary.

  2. Hey,Gary ,overwhelming is an apt word,especially,at the moment,when I am trying my best to find posiitve resources,with no success.There are good things in my life ,I have some highly valued support,which , I hope,is ongoing.I still expect the whole thing to turn on me,dont know how to counter that,just time , I guess.Yours ,in PEACE.

  3. Dear david.s,
    I think you seem to know already what is going to make you feel better. Like you say, building on those support and coping mechanisms that are going to make this time just a bit more bearable. And like you say, how can you know how good things can be if you've never experienced the other side of it. Also, I think, you do have a very good insight into how you're feeling and therefore what you can do to improve it, so your insight may be the best friend you have at the moment. That is not to say though, Dave, that there aren't others out ther wishing you well, as I'm sure you know.
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,

  4. Hi David,
    I do understand some of what you explain and expound on.
    "Down times" still bother, so I've taken steps to find more resources as well. The difference, this time, is that I've chosen things from my past that I liked. Not sure why I didn't pursue them, at that time, but I've a taste to explore.
    Well said; thank you for sharing.
    In kindness, Dixie

  5. Hi David, thank you for your blog. It is brave of you to share. I have some understanding of depression. For most of my life i have battled with it, and with negative thoughts, feelings and self belief. I too have come through some extremely bad times. In fact, i am in a particularly down time right now. I am drawing on resources both old and new. In my life, my greatest resource is my wonderful friends who stick by me and support me. I am blessed with people who care. I send you peace and very best wishes. In love, Julie.

  6. Dear,Julie,thank you for your comment,you are most welcome.Iconcur with all you say about depression,as you are ,i am at a very bad time in my life,where things seem unbearable.My resources are depleted,and i keep harking back to things thaat hurt me ,which i know ,is wrong.It is kind of you to share your thoughts here.I know that things will improve for you soon.I wish you peace,and happier times.GOOD KARMA.
