Saturday 5 December 2009


Today ,I realised that over the course of the past two years,there has been little real progress,in fact ,I have regressed.I am still over sensitive,and the pain of losing confidence,and relationships,has set me back ,and it cuts deep.No-one seems to wants to know,I have pushed myself more than ever to help myself,I cannot do this alone.This blog ,has been a measure of my worth ,losing followers,even less comments,my anguish grows silently now ,no communication,the last thing I was aiming for.I do know that I am self destructive,maybe I have sabotaged my chances, without knowing it.My only reason for trying to reach out to others,has been to help myself, by helping others.My own self-worth ,does not exist,its been destroyed by duplicity,illness,and bad decision making.I have little to say,in the way of positive thinking,no-one reads this ,why bother?I have been judged from all sides,always losing out,so there is nowhere left for me to go.Those who dismiss my feelings ,and my heart,faith ,and authenticity,have gone,what price principles,perhaps no-one appreciates this,whats left?I see little point in having principles,yet being alienated,I hoped there were folk who would value these qualities,seems not.So many people,in recent times have called me clever,or in telligent ,does intelligence make you a pariah?Thers little structure in my postings,and this has mirrored my life,no point.No-one hears me anyway.PEACE.


  1. Dear Dave,
    I would just like to say that I always read your posts, even if I do not comment sometimes.
    To be totally frank with you, it is often difficult to kinow what to say when you are so down, both on yourself and the world. One would not wish to make the situation worse with a foolish or flippant comment.
    So I do continue to wish you well in your struggles, Dave, even though it is only via "blogland" and I would love to say that things can only get better with time, although you no longer seem to believe that.
    Indeed, the only constructive thing that I can perhaps say is that you make your situation known to your GP or mental health services. Not a mental health charity, I might add, but professionals who might be able to offer another perspective. Really, I am at a loss as to why they are not involved already.
    When we are ill, I think that alienation and loneliness often goes along with it. Perhaps, then, you can be a little easier on yourself by seeing this as a situation borne out of illness, rather than any great fault on your part.
    Still, I will keep on reading your posts, Dave, and wishing you well from afar, even if I do not always leave a comment.
    Yours with Very Best Wishes and in Hope,

  2. Thank you,Dave,it is very gracious of you to be so generous of spirit,in your comments.I thank you for your understanding,like you ,I dont know where the future will take me,alone.It saddens me that so many people have turned away from me at this time,this is their choice.It is the feeling of powerlessness that is worst.Yours with much respect.PEACE.Dave.s

  3. Dear Dave,
    I am so disheartened for you; I thought things were better. I went off to choose some college course to take; then found out I had a terrible infection that I've been fighting off for two months, almost three. This devastated me because my plans suddenly went down a hole: Yes, reality bites!!

    I wrote a comment, three days ago, to you but I had forgotten how to sign in. When I went to sign it, the comment disappeared. For that I am so sorry. Again, reality bites!! I just could not seem to get things going in a good direction for me. I've almost ignored my blog, writing a blog every 7-8 days.

    You've been so steadfast in your blog. I'm happy to hear that your asking lots of questions. You may not realise it, but the inside of you is always listening and working toward the goals you want. Like David, I read your blog every day. No, I don't always comment. I'm still a "reactive' kind of personality and it's not fair to you, if I lose my perspective. It's better that I wait until I can offer support in some way... or at least feel as if I have said something nice. I don't relish leaving a 'fake' comment, just to say that I've left one.

    I've been reading the "Positive Thoughts" application on 'Facebook'. It has helped when no one else was around, or avaiilable. I am learning to be my own best friend.

    I so hope someone in England will help you. I shall meditate on your having 'face to face' contact with rcovering people. Being the distnace that I am from you, hinders my interaction on that level. Still and always, peace,I send to you. Dixie

  4. Hi,Dixie,thank you for your warmth ,and honesty,its hard to see my way at all ,sometimes,still here though.Things happen for a reason ,I am sure you will find something ,when you are well enough,ironically ,these are the times you need a lift most.I thank you for reading these posts, at least I know someone is taking notice,it helps.I am trying to change things for the better,and have had some news ,that I didnt expect ,re;vlountary work ,if i am good enough,so thats a plus.Your comments are always welcome here,as are you ,always a kind heart.Thank you again ,warm regards.PEACE.Dave.s
