Saturday 31 October 2009


Being misunderstood,or just plain ignored,is nothing new to me.I can cope with so much of this treatment,the thing which hurts me,is people having no faith in me.It seems I am not the person [in their eyes]that I know I AM INSIDE.This has been the cause of much consternation on my part,frustration ,leading to depression,isolation[i feel useless],and low expectations.Being this way,has repressed my creativity, for fear of reprisal,leading to stagnation,and deeper introspection,which,trust me,in my case ,is a bad thing.Now I am beginning to see ,that it is up to me to break free of these small minded limits ,placed on me by others,and be who I know I can be.People will always look down on me .but I realise that ,this is their mistake ,NO-ONE,will prevent me from living my life ,doing what I am here for ,there is something strong and powerful ,inside me which has lain dormant ,it is time to free myself,and open new horizons.The bigots who mock me will lose out ,because I am sure that I am a bigger person than they would have me believe.My passions will come to the fore,music,motorcycles[dissaprovalfrom all],and writing,I will get better [honest]To be the real me, will be a celebration,right now ,i do not see the light ,so I will have to bludgeon my way through this darkness ,however difficult it may be.I am no longer the apologetic ,shadow in tthe corner,IT IS TIME.BRING IT ON.

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