Tuesday 6 October 2009


No-one writes me off,as if I have disappeared,there is a lot of deception and judgement in this world.I have survived more than my share of injustice, and hypocrisy.Lots of people seem to think that they are superior ,and can use me as part of their "game",of which jealousy is a big part.I KNOW ,that I am capable of More than I have been given credit for[more than they will ever know]TRUE COLORS]Things will change,because I will make them,others may ,or may not like it ,it will STILL happen.Too much pain,despair,hopelessness,black emptiness,I deserve, and will get better,my limits are stretched beyond reason,all I perceive around me ,is indifference, am I even here.I will speak as I find,it is all I know how to do, the RIGHT thing.I refuse to let people hurt me anymore,I was too easy a target for the manipulators.Of course my illness has not helped at this timeI despair of those who use this against me,it sickens me .I am still the same ,compassionate ,creative ,warm and caring man I WILL ALWAYS BE .But I will not be someones lapdog,or a shadow of someone elses success,or their whipping boy,I AM TOO GOOD FOR THAT.PEACE.Dave.s


  1. Hi David,
    This is good. Keep verbalising your thoughts. I have experienced day after relentless day of being alone and ignored. Yet, despite this, like I know you will, I never give up and keeping positive has created positive aspects to my life.
    I'm sorry I have not been around much lately. I am not very well myself. Has been a very stressful time but I always maintain an attitude that if I looked at a perceived negative situation with a negative outlook, then the negativity will only worsen.
    Stay strong and embrace all the good that is around you. Positive wishes, your way, Gary:-)

  2. I agree with you. You are too good for that.
    Thanks for cheering me on back when I was really lost. Peace, Dixie

  3. Hey,Gary,sorry to hear that you are not well,you will come through this ,I am confident,as you know yourself,these things have a way of turning around ,keeping a positive focus ,is the difficult part for me,I will have to adapt somehow.Wishing you good karma .PEACE.Dave.s
