Tuesday 6 October 2009


I,am the product of much misunderstood thinking,that of others,and myself.There is no ONE cause for this feeling of desolation, many factors create it.Others abuse ,and neglect of my worth, caused me to come to the conclusion, perhaps they were right.Of course ,this is nonsense,those bigots, are merely ignorant ,and afraid of what they do not [or care not to]understand,,I challenge their preconceived notions, this unsettles them,so they lash out.The reality,is that widespread ignorance[the media]and the mob mentality, creates a false picture of those of us courageous to be ourselves[at a cost],especially when we are victimised for it.Being punished , for being open ,and for being different ,is something I do not understand.We should celebrate our differences, we are all part of one race ,the human race.In my [involuntary]isolation,I have realised that my opinions are as valid a s anyones[more so than some,at least I have some]The so called "normal" people in this world ought to think before they pass judgement on those of us with genuine difficulties.The good news ,is that we are not alone,more and more people with similar issues,are becoming wise ,self -educated,and learning to deal with this ignorance.Isolation ,is a concept ,not a reality, there will always be like-minded souls ,willing to share their knowledge,experiences ,and empathy.If ,like me ,yyou are having trouble finding such folk ,do not despair,you can, and will.PEACE


  1. Dear David,
    Just a quick note to say glad to see you back blogging again and I'm sure you are right when you say there are like-minded and supportive others out there who are, really, just unfortunate in having experienced ill health, but have, nonetheless, been unfairly ostracised for it. In my voluntary work I do see that, as you say, this number is indeed growing. I suppose the trick is to vent anger and frustration about this through non-agressive and constructive ways, which is part of what I try to do at MAGMH.
    Anyway, sincerely hope you are feeling a little better now,
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,

  2. Hi ,David,good to be back,I have to say ,that anger ,and frustration,play a big part in my condititon now.I am in the process of finding such creative and productive ways to rid myself of these issues.Things will improve ,they have to .thank you sincerely for your mipartial and empathetic advice.PEACE.Dave.s
