Saturday 29 August 2009

strange old world

Its a strange old world,I cannot figure it out,one minute it seems to be going smoothly,another ,it all disappears.Or is it just the way i perceive it?Lately ,my moods have been somewhat fraught,not even ,peaks and troughs.Patience,or lack of it ,is not helping my cause.Where do i find a balance,a comfortable compromise,it feels like i am stuck in concrete,stagnant,things move so slowly.There is so much indifference"better the devil you know",well ,NO,ineed to explore my abilities,why i am here.I just need a constant ,some kind of base,foundation ,to start from.Hello, that means trust[yes,again]the basis of my insecurities,and other mental health problems .I do keep trying ,it is so hard to trust others,when you keep taking the fall[it does hurt]suppose it is a case of "once bitten",times too many.If anyone understands this ,would you tell me?I now realise ,i do need more patience[oh noo],and i have to meet people half way,not expect them ,to take on everything,it takes two to have a friendship,cannot sail a ship alone !To have a friend , you must be a friend,that really touched me ,it changed the way I related to others.Back to our old friend empathy,true understanding ,gotta begin with being my own friend,you never know ,it may just work out after be continued.


  1. Hello David,
    For me, I keep choosing the wrong people, thinking they may want what I want. Often I wait too long to back off or turn the page; instead I allow myself to get hurt. No rhyme or reason; I'm just crazy in the perception department!
    This is a very nice post you've shared; very real and raw. The things you describe I can relate to, though I don't want to. I enjoy the way you've expressed your feelings and thoughts.
    In kindness,

  2. Hi Dave,
    Friendships are a precious commodity. Yet the most precious commodity of all is being a friend to ourself.
    You keep moving on, striving for the positive aspects that are there for you. Let your resilience and determination to seek out people who are beneficial to your well being be a positive force that keeps you inspired.
    Peace and respect, Gary.

  3. Dear Dixie,I,too have clung on to people,who demeaned ,and belittled me.Do not blame yourself ,for wanting friendship,we all need contact.Your continued support,has been invaluable to me .Instrumental in creating this blog ,so thank you so much.I wish you healing karma,and peace.

  4. Hey ,Gary,as you kno ,this is the hardest part for me ,being good to myself[dare I say liking myself]This is the only path to good friendships,being comfortable with yourself,before you can trust anyone .Difficult ,though it is ,some people just are not good for our mental health,and must be have my totl respect.PEACE
