Saturday 8 August 2009


My resources are few ,but they are welcome,and I do recognise them as such,and I feel lucky to have them.It is my inner resources that fluctuate ,my perceptions of what resources are working for me/others.We need to be aware of others situations,realise that they affect the way we are viewed ,in any particular situation.In turn ,they change us,and our reactions"the ripple effect".My issues[i cannot speak for others]problems are taking these to heart[personally]how do you detach yourself, and see the reality?Any relationships can be fraught,but ,add in mental health problems,things get messy.Finding a balance is essential,or you will find yourself in my situation,taking everything as a personal affront/constantly feeling hurt ,worthless,osing confidence,when it could just be a misunderstanding.I am making a real effort to see other peoples angles ,why they would behave the way they do,remain impassive ,until the facts are known.Give folk the benefit of the doubt,instead of letting negative speculation take over, and snowball.Put myself in their place ,how would I feel ,if Iwas judged in this way without the other person knowing why.Often ,it turns out being something and nothing[an innocent mistake]Which could potentially harm two peoples connection,for what?Stop and think,instead of just reacting,and be patient,no doubt many folk do this,Ineed to be reminded,I am not the only one to be considered,others are equally worthy,especially friends.I do hope that this phase passes soon, the fog lifts ,and I can be at one with myself once more,then ,we all win.PEACE.


  1. Hi David,
    It is indeed about our perceptions. We can all too easily disregard genuine positive intentions because we are conditioned to expect a negative inevitable. Negative speculation, in the long run, only compounds the negative situations that we can allow to overwhelm us.
    My friend, you keep striving towards the 'balance' that you seek. Thanks for sharing with us David.
    Kind wishes, Gary.

  2. Hello ,Gary,apprciate your interaction/support,as you know , i can get overcome by negativity[recently].i just have to risk having a little more faith in good people[instead of thinking the worst,first.Its a two way thing ,icannot read minds,none of us can.thank you for your understanding.PEACE.Dave.s

  3. Dear David,
    Recovering from any mental illness can be a long and painful process. In fact, I think it has taken me at least five years to get some "balance" as you put it. But if you keep on trying, try to be positive and understanding, I'm sure your efforts won't go unnoticed and will be appreciated.
    With very Best Wishes to you,

  4. Dear,David.thank you so much for your comments.Everyone has their own timeframe, i now realise ,with support,it is a reality,i will take your welcome advice ,and persist in being positive,and ,thanks to good peole like yourself,i feel it will be appreciated.PEACE.Dave.s

  5. Hello David,
    You seem to be asking a lot of the same questions, of yourself, that I am currently dealing with. Sometimes I feel like flipping a coin. If the toss comes up 'heads' and I want 'tails'... should I take tails?
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. Dear ,dixie,I can see your point of view ,its trying to find a positive approach to any given situation,like juggling two things at one time[balance]A precarious task ,but worth trying.Heres hoping you are well,wish you healing karma,PEACE,Dave.s
