Saturday 8 August 2009

short ,but not sweet

It seems the harder I try ,the less people want to know ,are they intimidated,or just the wrong people ?My mental health matters to me,part of that is having contact with like minded ,non-judgemental people.Constant rejection ,is wearing me down,it will pass ,but it is crushing my trust.No-one seems to genuinely care,they all have their own agenda[and i am not on the list.]Iam shown no trust,by peopleIgive my all too,this is just wrong .Everyone has their own issues /problems, this i understand,why punish me ,with indifference?The quetion is,do they even realise how I feel ,or how their aloof manner affects me?I cannot stop it hurting me,i wish i could build a wall up,and feel nothing,who would notice?I have to be myself ,seems no-one else appreciates the real me [probably my appearance,for sure].So i have to make the best of things, and hope someone knows real compassion, and love ,when they experience it.Icannot chaange other peoples values ,,or opinions about me ,just be myself,it will have to be good enough.I will not pretend to be something i am not,and it has cost me, so be it .


  1. Hi David,
    You have answered your own question. They are just the wrong people.
    I have been subjected to many a rejection. I have been dismissed, undermined and bombarded by negative aspects, environments and people.
    The solution was to distance myself from those negative forces that were not conducive to my mental health well being.
    Be who you are and embrace situations that pass no judgement of you.
    With respect and kindness, Gary.

  2. The truth is ,can i trust my own perceptions right now ,rather than make snap judgements about people?Then there is my reluctance to let go of familiar situations.gotta let go ,and try to be objective.Until then ,i will keepon trying.PEACE BE WITH YOU.Dave.s

  3. Dear David,
    Thank you for taking time out this week to be a friend, and share a moment of fun. The quizzes are comical at times. I've also enjoyed your invitation to 'Minekey'.
    I hope for you to have more friends, better times, and enjoyable interactions. Thank you for 'being there' for me.
    I really liked this blog.
    Positive wishes, Dixie

  4. Dear,Dixie, i appreciate your thoughts , and your kindness they are very welcome.It ha [still is ]been a tough time, recently,I have felt deserted, at times ,bereft of trust.Your support has been much valued.I am grateful for your good wishes.PEACE.Dave.s
