Thursday 6 August 2009

funny how?

Funny how,misfortune ,can bring out the best in us.Humour is a great healer,as i found out recently,some people inspire you ,just by being themselves.Their resilience ,humility and generosity,can turn your day around.I am blessed in that ,I know some of these wonderful people,they enhance all around them,to use a staffs saying "conner fault em".Friends in my life are a rare happening,so I value them dearly, the few I do have bring joy to every moment i spend with them.From wanting to shut myself away from everyone, I now find ,that I need the interaction of others ,its healthy[not easy]for me.Yet this interaction also stresses me , i still feel judged[past experiences].Ikeep looking for insults,deceptions ,almost as if i expect them.The important thing for me ,is to find people who value ,understand, and appreciate me for myself.I truly believe there are folk in my life NOWwho matter to me ,and to whom I matter,for the first time[hold my breath]some real friends!I find myself laughing out loud,sharing confidences,a freedom that is priceless to me.Iknow thatI take myself too seriously[abuse does that to you]but others have shown me ,that laughter really is a powerful healer ,on the road to recovery.I count my blessings ,and will never take these special people for granted.I CELEBRATE YOUR SUPPORT,FUN ,AND COMPASSION.


  1. ['...misfortune can bring out the best in us..']

    Hi David.
    I know that for me..misfortune did force me to have a closer look at what I needed. Laughter wasn't the first idea that made it's way into my mind. I was too consumed with feeling anger and pain; not getting everything I wanted.
    Today, those selfish thoughts are losing their hold on my being. Not only do I like smiling, but I like others to share in the rewards of my misfortune... a better smile(!).
    Today is different and I'm glad you make time to share laughter and intelligent (think minekey) moments with me.
    Peaceful wishes. Thank you for this blog.

  2. Thanks for your thought provoking comments,Dixie.Sharing ,is a vital part of recovery,the laughter,and the tears.I value your interaction,and appreciate you taking the time to comment.PEACE.Dave.s

  3. Hi David,
    Through my 'misfortune', I have discovered fortune. I embrace the ironies in my life and I smile.
    Positive interaction, combined with good-natured humour, is a vital key in the ongoing journey towards a better life.
    Have fun and smile:-)
    Kind wishes, Gary.
