Thursday 20 August 2009

New York Minute

Music ,has always been an important part in my formative years,and has carried me through the best ,and the worst of times.Having just listened to Don Henleys "New York Minute",it has reminded me of what is important to me .My friends ,over the last couple of years ,have shown me how patient ,compassionate,and valuable they are to me.I now have support,and wisdom,from people i respect, and,i vow never to undervalue this precious resource.Too often ,i lose sight of what really matters.IN THAT,i can get desperate, and feel despair,losing sight of the good things in my life.I am all too aware,that ,in that panic ,tragic things can happen,but i know now , that moment WILL pass,be strong[people who know me ,will laugh at this]and you get through it .I my case ,just the inspiration of a poignant song.Surely it is worth trying?Though it may not seem like it to others,i do greatly treasure the resources in my life.I just lose sight of the real world[my world]sometimes,i struggle to be positive.I will be myself, and those who value this ,i will be loyal ,and compassionate with.I need to believe more in others,there are too many who would abuse my trust,so they are ever more in my heart.To those people,and to the fabulous Mr.DON HENLEY.For helping me realise I do have beautiful music,which moves my spirit,and friends ,who are very dear to much,even if i dont always act so.


  1. Hi Dave,
    Music can be such an inspiration. Can make us reflect upon the good times, the sad times and all the poignant moments in our lives.
    You are moving forward, exploring exciting new possibilities. Don Henley, great stuff!
    Warm wishes, Gary.

  2. Hey,Gary,I can only thank you ,for your friendship.What would i do without the music i love?It has made me laugh and cry,angry and given me strength.It transcends all cultures,races,gender,unites us all , world without music ,to me,is a dead world.I have taken stock ,in my more lucid moments ,i can ,and do value the good people in my life.Thank you for your friendship.PEACE

  3. Dear David,
    So thankful for this blog! Don Henley is one of my favorites too. It has been very special to me, having friends close by and far away. The world does not seem so cold any more.
    Wishing you good health and great happiness. Dixie

  4. dEAR,dIXIE,thanks for your support ,and welcome comments.Glad to hear that you are seeing the world ,in a better light,you will always be a good friend to me.PEACE.DAVE.S

  5. Dear david.s,
    Your post reminded me of another great New Yorker, Woody Allen, who, like yourself, in the film "Hannah and Her Sisters", goes through a long depression, only to find, at simplty watching a Marx Brothers film, his faith in life is restored. As far as I can remember, he says something like "so what if it's all true, you go around just once and there is nothing else, don't you at least want to be part of the experience?" So here's to music and all art and its sometimes life enhancing moments.
    I enjoyed your post, Dave, you seem to be alot more positive. Well done I say, and I hope without being patronising, because I know it isn't easy.
    Yours with respect,

  6. hI ,DAVID,I am glad you found my post of some value,your support is also highly valued.I do believe that art ,in whatever form ,is the stuff of life,hwere would we be without music? I continue to try to be in a positive frame of mind,as you know it is a daily struggle,one we cannot always win ,so your support is an added benefit ,one I am happt to accept.Stay cool.RESPECT.
