Tuesday 4 August 2009

Steely who?

"you tube",has a lot to answer for[praise the lord for it],listening to some Steely Dan,made me think of the first time I heard it,the thrill of discovering something new.Where did that go to?Inow realise ,what i once thought happened magically,takes more effort, but it has not left me,I still have that wonder in me.Thats precious to me ,the stuff of life,helps to colour the more mundain moments [the grey days].Which brings me to where i am[grey]ill,imprisoned by circumstance,getting smaller inside .Theses forays into YOU TUBE,are a godsend,rekindling many old interests,ideas,memories,but also new ones .Thee time will come,when i will venture out again,[soon]another challenge,one i relish.I guess the real journeys are inner ones,my own perceptions of people,the relationships i have inside and outside myself,others just keep these in a constant state of fluctuation,this is where control [or lack of it ]is important.The crux of most of my problems,am I trying too hard ,is keeping my emotions on a level[peaks and troughs]I will say ,a good dyno power curve,is linear[bikes again],Iwish i could tailor my moods to such an even shape,although,would that diminish the highs.Reckon the point of all this ,is ,life is what you make it!Heres to some Summer weather ASAP.


  1. Hi David,
    Life is very much what you make it. We can choose the pathway that moves us on to a happier, more positive life.
    Lets hope that 'Rikki don't lose that number'as we are 'reelin' in the years as 'any major dude will tell you'...'FM..no static tonight..'Hmmm..sorry David, perhaps I should 'Do it Again'
    Oh please, lets have some summer asap:-)
    Positive wishes, your way, Gary.

  2. Hey,Gary,no more steely dan references,now.Thanks a million for your cool taste in music[ahem]Your comments are most welcome[as are you ]here,i value your input ,glad you are still staying strong.PEACE BROTHER.Dave.s

  3. Hi Dave,
    Balance is something I glimpse, as I go from one extreme to another. Sending you positive wishes that you will find that happy balance... and summer will arrive. (Love "you tube" too.)
    I enjoyed this blog! peace, Dixie

  4. Hi ,Dixie,thank you for your good wishes,i will strive to find that balance.Appreciate your taking time to comment,glad you are still moving forward,PEACE/BLESSINGSdAVE.S
