Wednesday 29 July 2009

The Bruce Lee Effect

This last week or so , have been difficult in many ways,after some weeks , I am starting to get back into the mix.Starting to mix with others,learning new skills,regaining my confidence, and trying hard to keep my self well.There have been a couple of setbacks ,mainly a tooth abscess, causing an infection,which ,of course is keeping me from doing what helps me most ,interacting with others.[thank god for YOU TUBE]Which has seen me revisiting old haunts/hobbies, via youtube, mainly martial arts movies,and various teachers ,[sifu, or sensei]The dedication ,and unflinching commitment,is of great inspiration.It made me wonder ,how these people find their energy,when their is little reward .I believe they are driven ,by the belief this is their purpose in life,finding their true inner selves by selfless dedication, inner ,not outer,peace. The lesson I get from this ,is that perhaps I SHOULD LOOK MORE inside myself for the real answers to my problems,not to others ,or material possessions,or even at past events[which do affect us all to an extent].To look inside myself ,for the strength to do what I believe is right at this point.Individuality ,is an important part of my life ,i believe you should follow your own path,however difficult it may be.At this time ,things are not ideal,but Iknow that this is only temporary.You can only be yourself , so you should try to be happy within ,and eventually,things will turn around.So ,Bruce Lee,thank you for your example ,in only 32yrs you achieved more than many ,ever do,never forgotten , always put this into perspective ,everyone can be the person they choose to be,the journey is long , but the rewards are rich ,Peace,be yourself.


  1. Hi David,
    Being happy with who you are is indeed the key to having a more positive life. With inner contentment grows outer contentment. For as we distance ourselves from what is not good for us; We get ever the closer to what is good for us.
    That's the spirit, David.
    Kind regards, Gary.

  2. Thats the point,Gary,not really getting far at the moment,it is true to say that inner peace , is the only real peace.Others cannot break ,what they do not understand,your inner strength,appreciate your welcome comments,sinceregood wishes.David.s

  3. Dear David,
    I too feel, as if the journey is long, but I'm learning it's just one moment at a time. I'm learning.
    I support your individuality in your journey. Be at peace. Dixie

  4. Thank you so much , dixie,for me ,thats the difficult part,being patient. Thanks for your support, if we are as one the road ,may not be so daunting.Appreciate your kind thought .Peace Dave.s

  5. Hi David,

    I have passed on two blog awards to you: "The Uplifting Blog Award" and "One Lovely Blog Award".
    I find your blog to be physically, very attractive, and transparent in spirit. Enjoy!
