Saturday 11 July 2009

Just a few words

Well done,glad youre my friend,you should be proud of yourself.Simple words ,not difficult to say,so why arent they spoken more?For me,in my lowest moments ,it is the littlest things that lift my mood ,help me turn myself around,no pyschobabble,no complex theories,just acouple of sincerely spoken words,well meant,by people, i know mean them.When your mind ,is in that negative downward dive,it needs a change of perspective ,an acknowledgement of your situation.Being appreciated is so important to those of us who lack self-worth/confidence.Having support of any kind can help build networks/friends, and increase overall quality of life, wellbeing,Just a few thoughtful words ,can mean more than others could believe,In my experience ,they are the ones i recall,at tough times,they are a reminder, that you are a worthwhile person,who matters,and is as valuable as we all are.Ineed to take time out here ,to thank those wonderful,selfless ,loving people,who continue to help me out,when all others desert me,whatever my situation, i feel their compassion.I can only extend my hand of friendship, and let them know ,Iam /will always be there for them,just as they are/have been there for me,you are priceless to me ,i only hope you believe in me ,the way i do in you.My heartfelt thanks to you,PEACE BE IN YOUR HEARTS.


  1. My heartfelt thanks to you. In peace, dc.

  2. Thank you Dixie,I do mean what i say,I REALLY VALUE all my friends.Peace in your heart.Dave.s
