Thursday 23 July 2009

trust 2: do i have a choice?

WELL,here we go again Ihear you say,this has always been an ongoing issue for me. But it is within my power, to choose which path I take,trust no-one and revert to my old self[isolated,resentful,unfullfilled potential] or take that risk, and open doors for myself,realising what is possible.For years , Itook the former,staying in ,believeing I was not worth knowing,over the last few years Ihave made the effort to turn that around,embracing,new situations,new people,realising that I am as capable as most others,often surprising myself , with my "confidence"seeing ,for the first time,who I really was[am],and Ifelt of some value to others.During this time ,there were dips in mood , but I coped, and moved on Initially, all was fine,until the same people who had aided me in my journey,began to turn on me ,and insidiously broke down my trust.Right now , I am in the process of getting back to the positive self ,I am confident I can get back.It is arduos ,and Ikeep having setbacks, my honest feeling ,is that Ihave to do this , Ican ,and will NOT allow myself to be defeated by this "organisation",or their hypocrisy, and false premise.ALL this work done on building my esteem, is not going to be reversed,so ,take heart,do not let anyone prevent you ,from fullfilling your true promise,you CAN do it,and as long as my heart beats,mt spirit remains undaunted,and Iknow there can be positive change,here comes the cliche, if i can do this , anyone can.Istill struggle with trusting people daily,and sometimes,I falterbut Iwill not let negativity win,it is a long road, but one I must take.


  1. Hi David,
    Apologies for not responding sooner. Bus lag got the better of me:-)
    Anyway, what a heartening blog you have articulated. You keep on keeping on dude. Keep striving for the positive way. All the very best and look after yourself.
    Kind wishes, Gary.

  2. Hey,Gary, thanks for your kind comments ,I am beginning to realise that there are some decent people on my side [your good self ,of course]Iam not totally alone[feels like it sometimes]Inow know to keep away from those that would demean me,and i will indeed keep moving on.

  3. Dixie ,its a pleasure to have you back.thank you for your comment,stay strong.
