Saturday, 23 January 2010

the simple things

After watching a certain Robin Williams film ,today,I was compelled to write down a few thoughts.There was a speech in it ,which spoke of compassion,and of the benefit to both parties ,when one gives of your own time.Also of treating ill people,as people first,not just an illness.Lending a moment of your time ,can often be of great help ,even if it is only to listen to someone.Having been a volunteer for mental health charities,I know this to be true,it helped me gain self-worth,and feel of some good,a real sense of purpose,and helped me to understand ,and see others side of things,in short ,perspective.If only ,certain help PROFFESIONALS,would lend a little more compassion,see it from the others side,empathise.There is ,still, too much of an ,us and them ,protocol in all medicine,this is not a helpful attitude,building barriers only,hinders the healing process.We truly are ,the experts of our own condition,the fact is,we know more about ourselves than anyone else,why is this not recognised?Being seen as an inferior person by proffesionals,even given the best intentions ,does nothing for someone lacking trust,confidence,and companionship.Compassion is an over used word ,but an under used resource ,we all have it in our hearts ,to be compassionate,I hope the good folk who read this are at least reminded of this special quality ,we all posess.


  1. Dear Dave,
    Unfortunately, it does seem that prejudice can rear its head even in the places we seek help, i.e mental health services themselves.
    However, in my own experience, as people have gotten to know me better, my relationship with them has improved exponentially. I am now treated more like a human being and less of a walking illness. Services themselves seem to have become less prejudiced and authoritarian by adopting a "recovery" model and making services more user led. No doubt there are still problems, but I feel things are getting better.
    Having said that, I was treated very poorly when I was ill (no pun intended) and perhaps it is just that as I've got better, my perspective has changed.
    But as you say a bit of compassion and understanding goes a long way. We should expect services to deliver these qualities in their care, instead of being judgemental or apparently cold.
    Anyway, Dave, you seem to be a compassionate and caring person yourself, and I'm sure your contributions to the mental health charities you mention was much appreciated.
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,

  2. The concept of USER-LED ,services ,is somewhat new to me ,and proffesionals will always be reluctant to see us as experts on our own condition.I see it as a very positive way of taking the US and THEM,out of services.I know compassion ,and empathy,make a huge difference,so does allowing people to grow in self belief,and being included ,not excluded.We are all in this together,may as well make it work for all of us .Thank you so much for your kind words,I am glad your services are working for you ,and with you.PEACE.Dave.s
