Wednesday 27 January 2010

self-belief/how far does it go?

A few months ago,I decided to try to start a group ,at weekends,for those,like myself,needing support.I was offered help,which never materialised,it seems no-one believed in me.The situation has not changed,I still struggle, needlessly ,at weekends,its lack of empathy ,and indifference.There is so much indifference in myy life,right now ,I am determined to stay positive,despite this.My heart was set on helping myself ,and anyone else I could,the best of intentions ,it would seems ,is not enough.I sensed a certain amount of ridicule ,that I should attempt such a thing, a lack of commitment, and co-operation ,has put an end to this dream,cut in the embryonic stages ,without a chance.This has hurt me more than others would know,most would seem intent on giving comment from afar ,but nothing else.Given the right support ,I know I could have made this happen ,and was serious about doing so.It is dissapointing ,to say the least, having done my best to help/encourage others,to have drawn a blank I am still involved in helping others,and will continue to be,it feels like the knowledge I have gained over the years ,is being wasted,and that is soul destroying.This posting is necessary ,to show my true feelings in this matter,it would appear I am still alone,all things told ,when it comes to hand on support/empathy.This will not change my focus on wanting to help others,even if ,as it seems ,no-one else is willing to step in with me.PEACE.Dave.s

Saturday 23 January 2010

the simple things

After watching a certain Robin Williams film ,today,I was compelled to write down a few thoughts.There was a speech in it ,which spoke of compassion,and of the benefit to both parties ,when one gives of your own time.Also of treating ill people,as people first,not just an illness.Lending a moment of your time ,can often be of great help ,even if it is only to listen to someone.Having been a volunteer for mental health charities,I know this to be true,it helped me gain self-worth,and feel of some good,a real sense of purpose,and helped me to understand ,and see others side of things,in short ,perspective.If only ,certain help PROFFESIONALS,would lend a little more compassion,see it from the others side,empathise.There is ,still, too much of an ,us and them ,protocol in all medicine,this is not a helpful attitude,building barriers only,hinders the healing process.We truly are ,the experts of our own condition,the fact is,we know more about ourselves than anyone else,why is this not recognised?Being seen as an inferior person by proffesionals,even given the best intentions ,does nothing for someone lacking trust,confidence,and companionship.Compassion is an over used word ,but an under used resource ,we all have it in our hearts ,to be compassionate,I hope the good folk who read this are at least reminded of this special quality ,we all posess.

Monday 11 January 2010


There are special moments,in all our lives ,we need to be reminded of,tonight ,I HAVE HAD ,SUCH A MOMENT,just a few words ,in a dream,had me realise how lucky I am.Funny how a piece of music ,a few notes strummed,words or melody ,can take you to a place in your heart, you forgot existed.A person in my dream ,reminded me how lucky I was to have that,as a part of me,that special moment we can all have ,when we hear a song, and it takes us back.The kind of thing that brings a smile ,or a tear to your eye, how wonderful is that?I had almost lost myself in my misery,without appreciating the simple things we all share,poignant moments ,or just quiet reflection,taking stock of what is important,really ,important to us ,sometimes gets lost in mundain daily drudgery.Those brief moments of respite ,from all the pain in the world ,are what make my life worth living,I just need to be reminded of that,a short dream ,has helped me realise how lucky I AM ,TO HAVE MUSIC IN MY HEART, AND MIND,in all my testing times.If there is a god [in whatever form you wish]then music, and the spirit it brings to us all,is the gift he[or she]has bestowed upon us,it unites all of us, as one,what else does that?This is a special time [right now]4;a.m.,I know that there will always be that part of me I value so much,it is like hearing a song ,for the first time,you know that you will never forget that moment of wonder,you know what,[here it comes]thank you for the music,aint so cheesy ,after all,hold that thought.PEACE.